this times a million

Bad stuff has been happening since I began this Blog. They're not so bad that they send me into a state of depression but I'm still thinkin' that I should quit before it's too late and not tempt fate. Nah. We'll give it some more time.
So the bad thing that happened today was I saw a raccoon get run over by a car. A car ahead of me was going about its business and this young raccoon just scurried into its path and the driver tried to avoid him by swerving but couldn't. The poor thing was twitching and struggling and couldn't get up. Horrible. I think I'd rather see a human being suffer because animals just mind their own business and have no motive other than to survive and propagate.
And the worst part of all this is that this was only something that I happened to see. All over the world, every day things are dying, habitats are being wiped out and land is being raped. I hate to dwell on things that I have no control over so I'm just gonna tell myself that I'll do the best I can by limiting my use of animal products and making efforts to recycle and save energy like I always have.
that is very nobel of you alex. it's too bad other people aren't more like you, but then again if it takes a raccoon dying for people to become more like you then maybe we could just learn to live like this.