please don't read this

someone call the boys in white, we got a keeper here

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

What a Day

Nearly got run over twice, almost got into a fight in a store and when I paid $5 for a poppy(a fake poppy at that) the charming old lady said "Your generosity is only exceeded by your good looks". Ha!
I also finished a book I had been trying to get through for 6 months that was supposed to have an Earth shattering shock ending, and I didn't even understand it. How anti-climactic.
Lowest point might've been when an attractive sales girl guessed my height to be 5'8" and when I said "no!" she said "oh, 5'7?". Ouch. I think the reason she was so underestimating my height was because she was almost the exact same height as me and she said that it was often a disadvantage to be that tall for her so she had low-balled her own height, thereby bringing me down with her.
Current events were pretty bizarre too with a 65 yr old widow dying next her own grave and a Rent-a-Pilgrim story that I cannot justify but you can read here:

Usually my days are pretty even, steady. But this day had treacherous lows and dizzying highs! I likes it. And there's still the evening to go...


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