The book was a first hand account of a tragic climb of Mount Everest where 9 climbers died within 48 hours. The real tragedy is that it was unavoidable and it will

Though I enjoyed it very much, I didn't even read the whole thing because my cynical mind told me that a book that deals with an event that takes place over 4 days should be shorter than 333pages. So I jumped ahead skipping character introductions,

Now the question is: What to read next? Or, a more important question that I've been asking for a long time is: Why is there no place where one can reliably find book reviews? Yes I know there are websites that have reader reviews but they're not really that helpful because the reviews aren't relative. There are reviews about everything else out there though: Movies, videogames, action figures, baseball cards, sexual equipment, car batteries etc. But why not books? Is our world so fast moving and impatient that there’s no room left for books?
Anyway, until that mystery is solved, I think I’ll go with my guts(pun) and read Chuck Palahniuk again like I promised some months ago. Grow grey matter, grow!(Try saying that 17 times fast)
The whole concept of reviews is flawed, if for no other reason than the fact that people's tastes vary. I see merit in product reviews like when deciding which TV to buy, because you can measure them on picture quality, durability, price, etc...but that does not apply as well to things like books and movies...books especially. Plus, a review would take some mystery away from the experience of reading a book.