please don't read this

someone call the boys in white, we got a keeper here

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Anger week

I had a highschool reunion of sorts last night and all I can think about is how someone shook my hand so hard that it sent the recovery of my busted hand back by a few weeks. It wasn't his fault because he's sort of a hyper individual and I'm not angry or anything, it's just I'm not able to really say "it was good to see the old gang again". Actually, it was good to see everyone again but it's overshadowed by this handshake fiasco. And it happened twice! Yeah the second one was my fault because I should've said something and that's even more dejecting.

This blog thing hasn't been working out so far! Yeah I'm reflecting and perhaps becoming more self aware but becoming aware of how shitty things are is shitty. I'll give it some more time and see how it goes.