please don't read this

someone call the boys in white, we got a keeper here

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Undies come in a variety of colors. I'm not certain why, though. Oh, because different people prefer different colors you say? Then why for the love of civilisation does underwear come in packages of assorted colors only?!
I like grey underwear and today I was in the Zellers superstore(Danforth) and there are literally 4 isles of underwear. And every package by every manufacturer known to man sells underwear(yeah, General Motors too) but they all come in assorted colours exclusively! Rawr!
I know I'm not the only one with these frustrations because during my quest I found packages that had been torn open and certain colors of underwear were missing while other colors were left behind.
So I did the only thing a civilized person could do: I took the remaining grey one, opened a few more packages(yes I had to be cunning because the Zellers security team has been trained by the KGB) and put 3 grey undies into a singular package.
I am a geeneeus! Then why do I feel so dirty? Oh well, I don't have to worry about that because I don't wear white underwear no mo'!