please don't read this

someone call the boys in white, we got a keeper here

Monday, February 20, 2006

pissed off players

A couple of months ago I saw a commercial for a cool Star Wars computer game. Though I had no intention of buying the game, I was curious to know if it really was as good as it looked. The answer was a resounding ‘hells no!’
Despite that, many loved the game, however a few months ago the producers decided to totally revamp the game(called NGE, I think). That pissed people off! Mother of light! But reading through the posts of these angry gamers on the forums darkly amused me somehow! Here are some responses to a lame letter from the producers of the game:
-what a POS..... you were over a month and a half late for 5 paragraphs that tell us NOTHING? you guys are the worst bunch of idiots ever. im not against the NGE, but with guys like you leading it, were all doomed
-Are you trying to make us quit?
-I support the firing of Julio Torres, out of a cannon, into the sun.
-Wow...It took six weeks to type this up? Oh well...Made my decision not to renew that much easier.
-Im furious beyond belief right now... you honestly think that this "information" will keep people playing??
-Truth be told, I've seen more information in a fortune cookie.
-Even when the others forsaw the fluffy PR focus of these letters, I didn't believe them. I really thought there was going to be some "awesome" news about the game coming up- I was fooled.
-Are these guys given a $20 bonus each time they use the freaking word "iconic"?I swear, I am gonna melt an original Star Wars figure in the fireplace everytime I hear that freaking word again.
-Say goodbye to Greedo.
-You have failed as a company, as a game developer and as a people.

-Who the F*** are you fooling? You claim there is 200,000[people playing this game]. REALLY?! Wow because you know your empty a** servers say quite different. I believe they say 2 f****** stupid jedi noobs on who are asking how to get a glow stick. You screwed with the game I used to love so much, and didnt even bother to fix it. You dumbed it down so bad, its literally for 5 year olds. You have lost touch with your fanbase and reality itself. You have NO CLUE on what we want, or what any gamer wants. And any loyal fanbase that you did have, who had just a little shread of hope went down the f****** drain with this letter. Way to f****** go. You can't even ** your way through a letter. You know how sad it is when the PRODUCER doesnt even know whats going on. I do not know what I hate more, the NGE or the dumb****'s who made NGE. BAN ME I DONT CARE. I rather get banned knowing I raised f****** h*** and speaking my mind as to how much you f***** this game and the players over. F*** you and rot in hell for all I care.