please don't read this

someone call the boys in white, we got a keeper here

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Dream or daydream?

Ok, when you're sleeping at night you may have a dream. But what about when you're taking a midday nap and have a dream? Is that a daydream? I don't know. Well, I'm sure it'll all be cleared up after I die and all of life's answers will be revealed. Is there a god of Terminology? That's an exciting heavenly employment. Look at me getting all theological, musta been that day of the futbol tourney.
Anyway, I had a midday dream about falling from the sky. It was pretty cool as I saw the end(the ground) and I knew it would eventually come soon so I just tried to make my last moments as fun as possible without regret. And it was awesome: Not one single care or worry in the world or in my head. My eyes were wide open when the end came.