And the Nobel Prize goes to...
On Wednesday I played tennis with 'supergirl', or so she's dubbed from several members of our team, and it was very fun and eye opening. I hope her and I could get married one day. Ok, she's almost 10 years younger than me and I am joking but it isn't too far off from the truth because I love to play tennis and she plays extremely well. Other than being a tennis goddess, I don't know her very well at all but her skill alone makes her so beautiful and makes me dream of what qualities the future wife may have. A guy can dream can't he? (Note: my parents ages are seperated by 9 I trying to justify something here? Please kick my ass when you see me)
On Thursday night I didn't have much to do so me and a school buddy(you know who you are) headed to an old hangout in Lot332. I don't get it: Lot332 is now ranked the number one club in Toronto but it was dead. Used to go to Lot332 in the winter when it wasn't the number one ranked club and it was always '1999'.
And not only did the club suck, I sucked as well. I JUST CAN'T DANCE IF I HAVE NO FEMALE FRIENDS TO DANCE WITH. So I just stood there all night. And it was pretty depressing I have to say. If I ever have the inkling of going to a club with only dudes, do me the favour of shooting me. Please?
Friday was an ok day. I played a very competitive tennis match(which I lost but was coming back before I got beat) and afterward there was a cornroast. A friend(you know who you are) brought out his 2 yr old and she entertained me very well for a while. Forgot to ask friend if I could borrow her to pick up girls. Oh well, maybe it's for the best that I don't do that.
Saturday got off to a slow start what with me having no life and waking up at noon. I was chatting on MSN and told my friend there was a "jazzy festival" happening somewhere sometime. She(you know who you are) and I were both bored so I said "let's go" and we did. We had to park way far away and so most of the day was sucked away by just walking to the "jazzy festival". Actually, the whole day was just walking to the "jazzy festival" because we didn't know where exactly it was and we ended up on the board walk with popsicles, stained pants and just staring at people working on their tans(the stained pants came from the popsicles not the staring, thanks). Once we did make it back to where "the jazzy festival" might be it was too late as the day session was over and they were setting up for the evening gig. Oh well. I can't say I had fun but I was certainly not bored. Good enough for me.
Saturday night was pretty cool. Another school friend was having a birthday party at a rollerskating rink(you know who you are) and I know it would've been a blast I'm sure. However, another friend(you know who you are) had another friend that was leaving forever very soon and there was gonna be a big goodbye dinner for her. She arrived late(to her own dinner, shame!) and before she and others arrived I drank all their water as I was extremely thirsty from walking in the sun all day. When the waitress saw 3 large empty glasess around me, she gave me a look of bewilderment. Why? I don't know. Is she not familiar with thirst? Well, it was a lot of water and water that I 'stole'.
The highlight of the dinner was our waiter. He could speak a little of every language under the sun (including a little Hungarian) and sing and sing like Louis Armstrong. What a talent! It's sad that he's 'only' a waiter.
After the dinner we went to a club called 'Schmooze'. Me, 2 other dudes and 5 girls? Now those are odds that I can live with! It was only 10 bucks to get in(on a Saturday night, with a well dressed older crowd? Wow it's gotta be someone's birthday) The music was good and I wanted to head to the floor right away but the others wanted to get drinks. Goodbye friend came over and said something about "Smirnoff Ice" and I said sure I guess. Then she looked angry! I soon found out she was asking what I wanted to drink and said that the bar didn't have Smirnoff. Oh well.
It took a little while to finally get dancing (and find the space for dancing)but once we did it was very fun. Reminded of the Thursday night fiasco, I wanted to make sure this night didn't go to waste.
Dancing is a pretty cool activity. With the music so loud it takes over your mind and your only thought is the beat and just trying to move to it in a way that won't make others laugh. (To be honest: I think I'm a pretty good dancer) You can work up a sweat while dancing as well so it's a similar feeling to playing a sport but still somehow different. In sports it's 'Form follows function' but in dancing it's the other way around.
Anyway, because of all the drinking(water mostly but rum+coke and red wine too) I had to make more trips to the bathroom than usual. At Schmooze, the area where you wash your hands is unisex. Whomever came up with that idea deserves the Nobel Prize for Lavatoryology. I stumbled out of the men's part of the bathroom into the unisex area and this totally cute girl noticed and gave me a smile. I washed up quickly(but thoroughly!) so I could dry my hands with her. I said "how's it going?" and she said "good" and right away noticed my Fila wrist band on my hand and she was perceptive enough to know that I'm not the kinda clown who accessorizes and asked what was wrong with my hand. I told her it was from basketball and that I was trying to get it to heal already because it really hurts when I play tennis. "You play tennis too?" was her reaction and the conversation continued a little like that.
Anyway, I did not get her number nor even her name but it didn't matter. I know she liked me and that was enough because if I had taken it one step further she might've said that she had a boyfriend and that would've been bad. This way, I can cling to the hope of seeing her the next time and I can depart with the knowledge that I "still got it".
When it came time to say good bye to Goodbye friend it was a sad. I don't know how to describe her: She's just so cool, classic and lovely enough to be an image from an Earnest Hemmingway novel(Note: I've never read Hemmingway). In all likelihood I will never see her again and that just sucks. Good week though.
On Thursday night I didn't have much to do so me and a school buddy(you know who you are) headed to an old hangout in Lot332. I don't get it: Lot332 is now ranked the number one club in Toronto but it was dead. Used to go to Lot332 in the winter when it wasn't the number one ranked club and it was always '1999'.
And not only did the club suck, I sucked as well. I JUST CAN'T DANCE IF I HAVE NO FEMALE FRIENDS TO DANCE WITH. So I just stood there all night. And it was pretty depressing I have to say. If I ever have the inkling of going to a club with only dudes, do me the favour of shooting me. Please?
Friday was an ok day. I played a very competitive tennis match(which I lost but was coming back before I got beat) and afterward there was a cornroast. A friend(you know who you are) brought out his 2 yr old and she entertained me very well for a while. Forgot to ask friend if I could borrow her to pick up girls. Oh well, maybe it's for the best that I don't do that.
Saturday got off to a slow start what with me having no life and waking up at noon. I was chatting on MSN and told my friend there was a "jazzy festival" happening somewhere sometime. She(you know who you are) and I were both bored so I said "let's go" and we did. We had to park way far away and so most of the day was sucked away by just walking to the "jazzy festival". Actually, the whole day was just walking to the "jazzy festival" because we didn't know where exactly it was and we ended up on the board walk with popsicles, stained pants and just staring at people working on their tans(the stained pants came from the popsicles not the staring, thanks). Once we did make it back to where "the jazzy festival" might be it was too late as the day session was over and they were setting up for the evening gig. Oh well. I can't say I had fun but I was certainly not bored. Good enough for me.
Saturday night was pretty cool. Another school friend was having a birthday party at a rollerskating rink(you know who you are) and I know it would've been a blast I'm sure. However, another friend(you know who you are) had another friend that was leaving forever very soon and there was gonna be a big goodbye dinner for her. She arrived late(to her own dinner, shame!) and before she and others arrived I drank all their water as I was extremely thirsty from walking in the sun all day. When the waitress saw 3 large empty glasess around me, she gave me a look of bewilderment. Why? I don't know. Is she not familiar with thirst? Well, it was a lot of water and water that I 'stole'.
The highlight of the dinner was our waiter. He could speak a little of every language under the sun (including a little Hungarian) and sing and sing like Louis Armstrong. What a talent! It's sad that he's 'only' a waiter.
After the dinner we went to a club called 'Schmooze'. Me, 2 other dudes and 5 girls? Now those are odds that I can live with! It was only 10 bucks to get in(on a Saturday night, with a well dressed older crowd? Wow it's gotta be someone's birthday) The music was good and I wanted to head to the floor right away but the others wanted to get drinks. Goodbye friend came over and said something about "Smirnoff Ice" and I said sure I guess. Then she looked angry! I soon found out she was asking what I wanted to drink and said that the bar didn't have Smirnoff. Oh well.
It took a little while to finally get dancing (and find the space for dancing)but once we did it was very fun. Reminded of the Thursday night fiasco, I wanted to make sure this night didn't go to waste.
Dancing is a pretty cool activity. With the music so loud it takes over your mind and your only thought is the beat and just trying to move to it in a way that won't make others laugh. (To be honest: I think I'm a pretty good dancer) You can work up a sweat while dancing as well so it's a similar feeling to playing a sport but still somehow different. In sports it's 'Form follows function' but in dancing it's the other way around.
Anyway, because of all the drinking(water mostly but rum+coke and red wine too) I had to make more trips to the bathroom than usual. At Schmooze, the area where you wash your hands is unisex. Whomever came up with that idea deserves the Nobel Prize for Lavatoryology. I stumbled out of the men's part of the bathroom into the unisex area and this totally cute girl noticed and gave me a smile. I washed up quickly(but thoroughly!) so I could dry my hands with her. I said "how's it going?" and she said "good" and right away noticed my Fila wrist band on my hand and she was perceptive enough to know that I'm not the kinda clown who accessorizes and asked what was wrong with my hand. I told her it was from basketball and that I was trying to get it to heal already because it really hurts when I play tennis. "You play tennis too?" was her reaction and the conversation continued a little like that.
Anyway, I did not get her number nor even her name but it didn't matter. I know she liked me and that was enough because if I had taken it one step further she might've said that she had a boyfriend and that would've been bad. This way, I can cling to the hope of seeing her the next time and I can depart with the knowledge that I "still got it".
When it came time to say good bye to Goodbye friend it was a sad. I don't know how to describe her: She's just so cool, classic and lovely enough to be an image from an Earnest Hemmingway novel(Note: I've never read Hemmingway). In all likelihood I will never see her again and that just sucks. Good week though.